South African National Science Week (NSW) is an annual celebration of science, engineering and technology, attracting thousands of learners and members of the public to workshops, science shows and lectures, which are held at universities, schools, science centres and public facilities countrywide led by the and Department of Science and Technology. Various stakeholders, role players and interest groups conduct activities that promote awareness of the value of STEMI to people’s daily lives.

The National Science Week Planning Committee 2022 (coordinated/organised by NRF SAASTA) met on 7 April 2022 during which the theme was announced, as well as the dates for this event.

Theme: ‘Celebrating the role of basic sciences in the modern world’
Keeping up with the practice of recognising the United Nations (UN) international observances, the NSW 2022 will incorporate activities to celebrate the UN’s International Year of Basic Sciences 2022.  We highly encourage that attention be given to local discoveries and innovations. See the Innovation Bridge Portal for African innovations and entrepreneurs.
Dates: 1 to 6 August 2022 (pre- and post-events are encouraged)
– Increase basic sciences awareness
– Increase awareness on the role of basic sciences in combatting pandemics, hunger, climate change, crime, improving life expectancy and quality of life
– Demistify the myth surrounding innovations and raise STEMI awareness

ASSAf will once again actively engage and present a programme during National Science Week. For inquiries related to ASSAf National Science Week, please contact:

Mr Tsepo Majake