01-07-2022 – 08-07-2022

The Department of Physics at Nelson Mandela University will host the SAIP2022 conference as an online event via Zoom and Gather Town.
You are invited to save the date for SAIP 2022 ONLINE! Join us as we celebrate 100 Years of Physics in Africa: Past, Present and Future. This year is the centenary celebrations of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP 100) and it is serendipitously aligned with the International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development (IYBSSD 2022). SAIP 2022 is an excellent opportunity to participate in these international celebrations as we focus on the growth of physics in Africa over the last 100 years, and at the same time, look to the present and future, and unpack how Physics can address the Sustainable Development challenges facing Africa. Join us as we explore the role of Physics in realising the 4th Industrial Revolution, gender equality, education, health and energy, among other SDGs. This conference will further be hosted in celebration of the 10 yr anniversary of the discovery of the Higgs Boson.